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- Vanhemmat »

---Torstai 26.11.2015 05:28

30.11.2015: (Solar Notes näyttäisi olevan tuolla mustan kuninkaan ruudussa. Kirjoitin siihen nuotit CDEF ennenkuin nuo hajuvedet olivat olemassakaan.) Jos yhdistää "maastoutuneen poliisin" ja ufotapauksen nro 10 (syntymäpäivät), siitä tulee summaksi Pahkakosken ufotapaus, eli "Hyvää syntymäpäivää [Särkymätön] Bruce Willis!" (vai lieko BW :) (Tai kietoutuvat toisiinsa nuo asiat ja tapaukset.)

Sysmän kartassa varmaan onkin kruunu päässä, niinkuin sanoin.
Tuon pääkallotuoksun kohdalla lukee hajuvesi-sivuilla, että toinen, joka eniten tuota muistuttaa, on kultaisen kassakaapin näköinen ja nimeltään "1 million".
Tuoksu on tullut myyntiin kolikkotaulun teosta seuraavana vuonna. Nuo mustat ja valkeat pääkallot myyntiin 3 vuotta kolikkotaulun tekoa myöhemmin.
Ufotapaus nro 10 voisi liittyä maastokuvioiseen päähän, mutta pääkallo+haju voisivat liittyä erääseen ligget se -juttuun, jonka juuret menevät muutamien vuosien taakse... ("siinä makaa todiste", kultainen vene, vai kultalevykö se on)
Niinpä sitten ufo-kartan pää voi viitata yhtä aikaa sekä siskooni, maastokuvioiseen päähän, siihen erääseen ligget se -juttuun, että sarjakuvaani suomalaisesta avaruuskeskuksesta - "se on siinä", ja voisi olla em. lisäksi vielä "maskimerkkikin", jota minä vitsailin että odotellaan. Ai niin ja voisihan se tarkoittaa 'keltaisine lintuineen' puolustusvoimia. Ja sitä, että "kun ihminen kuolee, lähtee henki". Tai sitäkin, että voi olla yhteys toiseen aikaan. Ja kruunuineen kaiken kuningatarta. <-- tv-sarjassa Frendit sanottiin että queen of everything. Siitä vaan sitten valitsemaan, että mikä noista...

Voi olla tunteetonta naureskella "maskimerkin" odottelulle, mutta en minä naura toisten vahingoittamiselle [syökää nämä kapselit ja odottakaa maskimerkkiä - toiset sitten epäröimättä söivät myrkkykapselit], vaan lähinnä sanalle maskimerkki, muutenkin kaistapäisessä jutussa. (Kipu, vahingoittaminen, vahingonteko, tappaminen, kuolema, <-- eivät ole hauskoja asioita todellisuudessa.)

... With its very own breath of brandy and Death
Dragging its tail in the sea

There's a concert hall in Vienna
Where your mouth had a thousand reviews
There's a bar where the boys have stopped talking
They've been sentenced to death by the blues
Ah, but who is it climbs to your picture
With a garland of freshly cut tears?

Take this waltz, take this waltz
Take this waltz, it's been dying for years
There's an attic where children are playing, ...

And I'll dance with you in Vienna
I'll be wearing a river's disguise (tulen pukeutuneena joen valepukuun) ...

Löytyy laulu Varrella Virran. Noista kolikoista siis. Kun he löytävät varrelle virran, on siinä joki, ja siitä alkaa, alhaalta ylöspäin, laulu soida, niin että he delttailevat kolikossa, jossa on 2 tanssijaa, ja laulun sanat löytyvät sieltä sitten kaikki, kun mennään alareunasta yläreunaan.

Asteroid Vesta & Earth

This would need many big photos, instead of clips from here and there. P.S. Correcting: "number A" ... letter. And "collar 2" may be part of collar 1.

The picture below is from the Earth. From mountains. I don't remember what's the scale. Mountains in Europe, anyway. I'm not sure what there is in the picture. It seemed a bit like life. More than a bit. It seems like a big (horn of) living slime-hell.

Vesta. I found 21.11.2015 10:34

24. November, 2015. These are Nasa's pictures. I haven't changed them in any way. You may not believe this first, but it's so clear, that there is no mistake.

Those are the same as Yorgia-sacks /-chambers on Earth. Their size is kilometres, and the whole asteroid is full of them and so, it is or was full of life. Fetus-sack has two hands holding them, both on Earth and on Vesta, + many other fastening parts were there too, at least on the Earth. Actually a collar-shaped tissue circled the sack all over. That is propably the uterus. Study it, and you'll find it to be true. You'll see same big jaw horn, that is holded/covered by caretaking "hand", you'll see 2 direction of the stripes around the big jaw horn, you'll see big hole up there; "hand" covers it too. I'm not sure, if that is the hole to give birth. Under the big horn there is a weird "mouth"-cut. The opposite side has no horns, but a few cut-kind-of structures in smooth round curve, and 2 similar structures meet there in the middle of that side. Trying to say, that the packet has almost exactly the same structure, although it is not simple, but really quite special, I'd say even complicated.
I studied the photo many hours last night, and didn't realise first the similarity - although I had suspected from the very beginning the holes to be those ...
How I found these: 1. Knew Yorgia to be among the oldest on Earth. Saw an unclear photo of a Yorgia-stone, that I could dig into with Photoshop. 2. Checked surfaces of Mars and others. Vesta seemed weird/"unregular" already at the first glance.

The blue photos from Earth are negative-versions of a photo showing Yorgia-fossiles on a stone. Those are very very old.

Work is not done: How flat or plump was the fetus, and what kind of appearance did it have? <-- One can find them and find the answers to those questions.

How many fastening-points the sack had and what kind they were? <-- Answering to that question should not be impossible.

What was really the "thing", to what this roundish part fastened? Foam/mud/jelly with no body but some cords and fibres used the materia, that was in suitable form? Or was that surroundings some jelly-animal's back? Or jelly leaf's back? There should be a connection to a leaf-kind... or is this even older than a plant-shaped...? There are signs of community, that surrounded the sacks, and created the sacks ... community mass, but also leaves and plant-shapes... Really there are huge straight body-trees/ -trunks, that grow smaller branches... one needs to study those with time, instead of mess around with glances and foggy old & new theories. :) Nasa seems to have very good images.

Nautilus resembles these cover-chambers a lot - it came from it, in a way like "not leaving shell & keeping fetus-form"? Insects kept the chamber for birth -system, and kept the baby-form, but refused to fasten back to ground for adult-time? And there are many other questions, too.

Interesting things, those Yorgias. These are negative-pics from Earth. (In positive it's unclear, shining blond light.) Their size was only some 20 cm.

A large lake disappeared into a hole in Oregon, USA, on the first days of last May. It seemed to me, that the chamber of some 1-2 metres had been one of THOSE. There were that kind of structures on the bottom of the hole. I don't know how old the mud or mud-jelly or stoned mud-foam was round the hole, but it should have had "mother-tissue", protecting flap like a plant's part (closing the biggest openings), and several veins to the chamber.
If it was a chamber of those creatures in Oregon, the next question is: why/how can the remains suck a large lake? Where did the water go? Where the water went, some kind of roots may have had a connection to there.(I cannot know, what kind of hollow places there are down there and why ... I'd not want to dig that deep to that :) ... but Jamal in Russia comes to mind.


P.S. It may be nothing, but marks of vulcanism. Hot water & lava spitted out? Will I ever learn. This was stupid.

Or maybe all that are marks of vulcanism? I thought that up from the "flower-circled hole" came a leaf ... ... well, anyway, weird ghosts there are. At least I noticed the ghosts. Human eye doesn't see those easily.

Life search, part ~ IIIMaanantai 19.10.2015 11:17

P.S. About the different shapes of the leaves: Look what crawled on Nemiana on our planet: they were tiny, transparent, AND, shapes altered really lot, from narrow to wide and from thin to thick. I've seen same kind of multi-form crawlers in some Mars-photo.
I'm not really sure how it goes... those pink roots seem to end to female-leaves. And... male leaves' root isn't that massive, but much smaller grabbing hand? It's all there, written on the sea-bottom, the data and the answers.

Upper and lower pictures are the same photo. You can add contrast by pushing your laptop's screen backwards, and so can see much better details. Plus clik the picture. Female-leaves are easy to see, but the males that I marked with green, orange (and light-blue), you may have difficulties, because picture is small (I hunted them from bigger version), and remains of thin male-leaves are faint. But they are there, for sure. It's piece of cake in the future, but until now it has been just a cake.

"roots crab"... I meant grab.
I have watched for 15 months these surfaces of the Earth and of Mars, looking for early life and early life's nature. One cannot do that without learning anything.
If the slimmer leaves are not males, then the thin threads, that are sunk into the "foam", are males(?) Or both. Or there's some thread-alike parasite, moving straight and leaving eggs or such behind. Similar being would leave black, spotted strings on the white leaves in the white, so called mollusc photo - and doesn't seem to be part of the white small leaves. Or is it?


Digging the mystery of the mollusc-looking "Sleeping Beauty" (in Mars).
Don't ask me, how a tea-pot (or sponge) looking thing can be the same, as ... hmmm ... They are not the same species! They have same color, because they all are covered all over by transparent leaves (which make also black threads + dark holes. In the white photo, there may be more than one, maybe even 3 large visible species + more than one transparent leaf-species. Complicated tea-pot cannot be the same thing, as the giant "generations-missile".
Then, the cute plump disc looking one, that sleeps in crescent-chamber and has stalk/stem ... may be part of the teapot, or may be different. May even not have a stalk. Truth cannot be hard to find. I wonder, if "the missile" could be just volcanic, non-living...

This requires concentration. Sorry for small pics, dimness, text-flood with small font ...

Life search, part ~ IIILauantai 17.10.2015 12:28



The black & white creatures are quite a mystery. Look like molluscs. Sleep inside half-moon foam. Lay on a white shoe-bottom! Have row of holes. On that there's brown worm ... that grows "trees"... which are possibly some "mold"-fungi. And, the creatures are covered all over by white leaves ( - that are visible, 3D, clear, ...)


They are not balloons. They are leaves.
There are more leaves in the picture. I didn't mark all. I'll put more leaf-pictures. Leaves have been propably transparent. One big thick leaf, like a statue, massive from root, rises up down there, down+middle. I didn't mark that either. There are (were, may be that they still are there) ~2 such, with massive root, standing in front of others. This is ghostbusting ...

I think that there's "chamber"-thing, that is involved with leaves... (thick charnias) ( - me and my theories). Then there are also sponge-community-chambers ...! Which was first, charnia or sponge ?!

Life search, part ~ IIIKeskiviikko 14.10.2015 08:05

4/12 (life "for sure" ... well, it seems to be life. Such forms cannot be anything else.)
Take a magnifying glass and look carefully those pics of asteroid Vesta.
- Vanhemmat »