Tutkimuksia Höbiäänä-kaudelta:
I coloured figures with a transparent colour. This is from Mars.
Look above. And then look below. Below: Nemiana from Vendian period. (This also came into my mind: what kinds of metamorphosis have there been in the beginning... ? What are the small transparent "worms" on some a bit bigger eggs that contain some fetuses? If dead came always alive in form of its small copies, then dead fetuses produced small new life too? I have crazy ideas, about those dead Nemiana-"coins"/fetuses inside eggs, being parents of those transparent small crawling worms, which have many forms: classical plant-leaf, roundish leaf, flat claw, thick claw, long flat, leech of jungle, branch, ... <-- If those are sisters and brothers, their genotype alter a lot. No wonder then, that the world is full of different life forms.)
This is from Earth.
That "heel of Galapagos": I combined to it a claw of a different creature of Galapagos. I'm not quite sure if that is a "claw", but I say it is. The heel-creature really had jaws kind of end. Those blond heel-creatures (which propably are stones today) u can find among dark stones, on land in Galapagos. I say it was some jelly animal, and I say, that Nemiana also was a jelly animal. I also say, that there was a time, when the world was full of jelly animals. Sizes from tiny to a mountain-size.