Location: https://www.google.fi/maps/@-16.6483469,-70.0335922,1672m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=fi
If there are villages, roads and buildings, they are not marked in Google's map. I'd bet that's all done by nature. Cannot be sure.
Round gray, a bit to South-West from the center, is "sacked"/bonded (as usually there are almost every thing). Is it a normal/usual way to be, protecting when trouble for example because of hot, cold, or dryness, or are the sacks made crazily all the time for reproduction whereever possible?
A view to Himalaja Location: https://www.google.fi/maps/@28.8099162,87.2930919,1221a,20y,180h/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=fi