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Finnish Space AgencySunnuntai 09.11.2014 06:55


(Even better would be the literal translation of the tv-commercial: "When (there) are 2 hands and black and decker ...")

---Lauantai 18.10.2014 19:19

Toisilla planeetoilla näkee aivan tämän kaltaisia asioita. Kaikissa kuvissa on eläviä olentoja Suomesta. "Elävän olennon muoto".

Porausreikä MarsissaKeskiviikko 08.10.2014 03:08

Life 2 - Life in MarsKeskiviikko 08.10.2014 03:02

Normal size normal dead life in Mars. I will show the rest of the picture later. I was in a hurry. (Picture tells more than that. Photoshop can see through sand and through dead animals, showing anyway each one of them, too. Don't ask me how, but a certain function of Photoshop sees through the upper parts of stone - well, i can answer anyway: light comes through it, and sand, clouds, etc. Of course limit comes somewhere.)

NASA KNOWS THE SIZE OF THESE... THEY MAY BE VERY BIG.... P.S. I may have put a wrong picture here. This is from the time, when I thought that the plump disc "in the air" is an unborn baby of an early charnia. It is not. It is/was a mollusc. Very common mollusc in Mars, made bowls and tubs, lots of them, and very big too.

Truth, I believe, is something near that. Those look living or frozen gastropods, laying on white structure, that has forms of shoe-bottom. There are bowls too in Mars. Same or different creature/relative maybe, Im not sure.

This /\ part is a joke.

Life 2 - Mars, Venus, TitanKeskiviikko 08.10.2014 02:55

Call /\that/\ a line.
And some lines & objects ARE weird a bit.


I have looked at Venus's life hardly at all. All strange, but clearly everything in the pictures is dead organisms. To tell the truth, i really have been afraid to look what there is. It is a fish-soup from hell.


"Mato jalassa." Ilmiselvästi. "Mikä siihen tarttu... perhana... "
Menkäähän kuulkaa noille kylmille kuille seikkailemaan, niin olette tässä tilanteessa robotteinenne... eihän se otus sieltä asti tänne hyökkää, mutta... Siellä on takuulla jotain... varsinkin Jupiterin kuiden jäiden alla. Entä jos jokin syö kalliin laitteen? Ehkä kannattaisi tehdä 2 niitä laitetta... En ottanut ideaa kolikoista, vaan ihan vaan ajattelin, että jos jokin nappaa kameran, niin siihen loppuivat näkymät siltä erää. Niin no ainahan sitä voi yrittää tarkkailla jonkin otuksen kainaloa, pesää tai suolistoa valon kanssa, jos mikään ei pilko laitetta. :D

Life 2 - Europa, Sun, MoonKeskiviikko 08.10.2014 02:48

Saying the the eyes are eyes, is a joke (for now).

Life in MarsSunnuntai 21.09.2014 11:20

Poor things are dead. But there they are. Were alive ones. End of water. Weird life, plus familiar looking gastropods. Plant-type-charnia ghosts, big ones, cover often things in photos (almost invisible marks of leaves, or often very visible), they fell on the bodies, as last. So, were quite tough in lack of water. Or: got water from deeper, and so lived longer. Bigger pictures - - - > look pictures below this one.

Up left: Weird cameleont-looking animal climbs on other animal.
Up left: Dead charnia-kind (crabbing-claw, it used it to crab to root-button).
Center: pile of charnia-FOSSILS (pictures on stone).
Down, at left corner: charnia-resembling-fossil-picture on stone-surface, AND the same thing has its hard root-disc(s) (white) sticking from rock down there. Or was the organism's shape "shallow tube"-kind?

Mars 2. And then to Phobos.Sunnuntai 21.09.2014 11:17

---Sunnuntai 21.09.2014 11:02

According to quick view to this bad photo of the dark deepnesses in moon Titan, I'd say there's life. Does that grey DUCK-HEAD point to "charnia-related" early life, resembling at the same time "the creation of gastropods" ? Sure that is not any volcanic product? There are charnia-leaves on the left, falling downwards and their top-parts bending right (on some "cube"). So, Mars - Phobos - Titan. For as the beginning.


FIRST MARS PHOTO, THAT I LOOKED AT: (C the bowl. Power of the Photoshop.)
^Finding date ^

High PriestessPerjantai 28.02.2014 08:58

Ihana juttu kartassa: papittaren vieressä istuva kissa. :) Sen häntä on AIVAN samanlainen kuin kissanpoikasten häntä on. Aitoja peltokuvioita.