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You pour ketchup on the human sausage.Maanantai 09.04.2012 09:10

Nyt oli hulluin seikkailu pitkästä aikaa DiscworldMUDissa.

Lyhyestä virsi kaunis: Minä ja eräs varaskollegani pistimme kolmannen kaverimme lihoiksi ja teimme hänestä makkaraa lihakaupan takahuoneessa. Murhatun pelaajan haamu nauroi mielipuolisesti koko tapahtuman ajan. Nämä hirveät mielikuvat eivät tule lähtemään ikinä.

Kaikista ruumiinosista täytyy poistaa luut ennen lihamyllyssä jauhamista. Myös silmämunista, sydämestä, kielestä, nänneistä ja suolistosta. Kaikkialla sitä onkin luita. Tämä omituisuus vain lisää tilanteen traumatisoivuutta.

This is the back room to Sam Slager's Sausages. This is where the magic takes place. Well, actually, this is where he makes his sausages. The wizards are ever so particular about demarcation. There is no magic involved; there is only Sam's giant workbench up against the far wall with his block of knives on top of it, a big meat grinder, and a sausage machine in the very centre of the floor.
There is one obvious exit: east.
Liane Lavender and Dodgy Hrastan arrive from the east.
Liane Lavender and Dodgy Hrastan succeed in following you.
You close the east door.
Liane Lavender exclaims: Aha!
Liane Lavender says: So, Hrastan.
Liane Lavender says: This is where it all happens.
Dodgy Hrastan says: yeah?
You emote: Appelhof covers his eyes.
Liane Lavender pursues Dodgy Hrastan.
Dodgy Hrastan says: oh
Liane Lavender says: Oh.
Liane Lavender manages to get around Dodgy Hrastan's defences and launches a vicious attack.
Dodgy Hrastan looks confused.
Moving quickly, Liane Lavender stabs her Carduus right through Dodgy Hrastan's neck.
Catching him by surprise, Liane Lavender stabs her Carduus right through Dodgy Hrastan's neck.
Liane Lavender dealt the death blow to Dodgy Hrastan.
Liane Lavender sighs.
The ghost of Hrastan says: ahahahaha
You exclaim: Creepy!!
Liane Lavender nudges you.
Liane Lavender says: Your turn.
Liane Lavender sheathes Spina and Carduus in two blackened leather thigh scabbards.
You say: I can't touch the corpse
The ghost of Hrastan says: ahahahaha
You say: Aarrgh
Liane Lavender sighs.
Liane Lavender draws Spina from the blackened leather thigh scabbard into her left hand.
Liane Lavender draws Carduus from the blackened leather thigh scabbard into her right hand.
The ghost of Hrastan tackles Liane Lavender.
Liane Lavender asks: Which part?
Suddenly your nose picks up the sharp tang of blood, sweetly sour.
You say: You decide.
You tell the ghost of Hrastan: I'm really sorry about this D: Don't haunt me in my sleep.
The ghost of Hrastan asks: revive me?

Liane Lavender gets a human right nipple from the corpse of Hrastan.
Liane Lavender gives a human right nipple to you.
The ghost of Hrastan says: ahahahaha
Liane Lavender gets a human left nipple from the corpse of Hrastan.
You start working on the human right nipple, carefully removing the bones and pushing them down the hole in the workbench, before picking it up again.
Liane Lavender gives a human left nipple to you.
The ghost of Hrastan says: my nipples :(
You skillfully remove all bone material from the human left nipple and dispose of it through the hole before retrieving the human left nipple from the workbench.
You place one of the hunks of human meat in the grinder and begin to turn the handle.
You finish grinding up the meat and take the resulting ground meat out of the grinder.
Liane Lavender says: You'll get sausages for this, don't worry.
The ghost of Hrastan says: ahahahahaha
You place the wad of ground human meat in the sausage machine and begin to turn the wheel.
You finish extruding the sausages.

The sausage machine contains:
a human sausage.

The ghost of Hrastan says: Liane, you crack me up
Liane Lavender gets a human right lung from the corpse of Hrastan.
Liane Lavender gets a human left lung from the corpse of Hrastan.
Liane Lavender gives a human right lung and a human left lung to you.
Liane Lavender gets a human stomach from the corpse of Hrastan.

You say: This feels very wrong and I think I'm going mad
Liane Lavender gets a human colon from the corpse of Hrastan.
Liane Lavender gives a human stomach and a human colon to you.
You say: I'm grinding Hrastan's nipples while his ghost is laughing from over my shoulder.
The ghost of Hrastan says: ahahaha
The ghost of Hrastan rolls around on the floor laughing.

Liane Lavender says: Haunt us, Hrastan.
The ghost of Hrastan waves his arms about anxiously and says: "OOOOoOoooO" at you.
Liane Lavender grins.
The ghost of Hrastan waves his arms about anxiously and says: "OooOoooO" at Liane Lavender.
The ghost of Hrastan snickers.

This is a human sausage, looking quite enticing, and almost begging to be eaten. It was made from the flesh of Hrastan.
You put one end of the human sausage in your mouth and start chewing. That's a mean Hrastan sausage. Before you know it, you've reached the other end, and smack your lips in appreciation.

Jälkeenpäin, kun murhattu pelaaja oli saatu palautettua elävien kirjoihin, istuimme kolmestaan varkaiden killan aulassa maistelemassa makkaraa ja juomassa olutta.

Rakastan tätä peliä.

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